COVID-19 Letter to Governor

Delaware’s public-school facilities are in dire need of increased investment. We, collectively, must find a way to address the growing education facility deficiencies in our school districts.

The Honorable Governor Carney,

The membership of the Delaware School Boards Association (DSBA) thanks you for your decisive action regarding the response to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s impossible to prove the negative, your swift actions have undoubtedly saved lives and protected the public health of the citizens of Delaware.

We are all acutely aware of the public health risks of a premature ending of the State of Emergency and “re-opening” Delaware and its economy. In an effort to further control the community spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19, many surrounding states have already announced the cancellation of the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. While all the DSBA member boards want to know as soon as possible in order that they and their respective districts can make plans accordingly, many of the DSBA member boards respectfully suggest that a decision regarding the cancellation of the remainder of the current school year for Delaware not be made until early May 2020, to allow for the most current infection and spread rate data to be used to inform that decision. To be clear, the membership of the DSBA in no way, shape or form seeks to influence your decision, and we understand completely that such an extended closure may be ordered if the data suggests it.

While remote learning is certainly a reasonable stop-gap measure, DSBA members assert the importance of getting students back into their schools and their classrooms, provided we can do so in a safe and prudent manner and without jeopardizing public health. Obviously, we all must be guided by what is best and recommended by health professionals, but many of our members agree that we owe it to our students, their families and our communities to make such an important decision about the remainder of the school year based on the most recent data affecting Delaware, and if possible, salvage as much of the remaining school year as possible.

Again, the Delaware School Boards Association thanks you and your staff for all you are doing to shepherd our great State through this difficult time. Please advise if there is anything the member boards of the association can do to assist you.


John W. Marinucci, Ed.D
Executive Director, DSBA

Previous Governor Carney Moves Presidential Primary Date to June 2

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