The Delaware School Boards Association (DSBA) is one of the members of the network of State School Board Associations which exist in every state of the Union. The Delaware Association was organized in 1946 and became a member of the National School Boards Association in 1952. The DSBA is the only public school board advocacy organization in the State.
The purpose of this Association is to encourage and foster unity of thought and action of school boards and to further the educational interests of the State. One function of the Association is the study of educational needs along with the proposal and/or support of legislation to provide for them. This provides recognition and a voice in the planning of legislation for public schools. Additionally, we provide for on-going board member training, facilitate policy research, provide research for any educational topic, provide guidelines and support for board and superintendent evaluations, information on negotiations, and serve as a liaison with other education-related organizations.
The DSBA Board of Directors of the Association consists of a voting representative of each local board as well as the State Board of Education. This body meets on a statewide basis at least five times per year for the purpose of conducting the Association’s business. There is also an annual meeting of the membership held each year for the purpose of making awards and receiving annual reports. Special meetings are called as necessary.
The other standing committee of the Association is the DSBA Legislative Committee. This committee also consists of a representative of each local board as well as the State Board of Education. The body meets in regularly in conjunction with the legislative calendar in order to establish the legislative priorities of the Association for the legislative session.
Your DSBA supports local school boards, their districts and initiatives, as well as provides technical assistance to board members and administrators.
Seat on DSBA Board of Directors
Weighted voting is determined by the size of the district and range from 1 vote to 5 votes. Participation in the Board of Directors meetings and deliberations assures that your district’s voice will be heard and help guide the activities of the DSBA.
National Legislative Advocacy
Through its membership and close relationship with the National School Boards Association, DSBA monitors Congressional legislation and advocates the position of the member boards with the NSBA. The NSBA is Delaware’s voice of education advocacy in Washington, DC.
Seat on DSBA Legislative Committee
These votes are not weighted. The recommendations of the Legislative Committee are reviewed and approved by the DSBA Board of Directors at their next meeting. Participation in the DSBA Legislative Committee assures that your district’s voice will be heard and help guide the legislative advocacy activities of the DSBA.
Legislative Updates
DSBA provides regular updates on legislative issues of interest to local school boards.
Membership to NSBA
DSBA is a member of the National School Boards Association. Districts that are members of DSBA are extended NSBA membership through their affiliation with DSBA.
DSBA provides research on various education topics as requested or as is timely and topical. Access to the research library and educational network of NSBA.
Representation on all State education committees
DSBA members serve on all education-related committees in the state. Again, membership and participation in the DSBA will assure your district’s interests inform the DSBA’s statewide efforts and activities.
Contract Negotiation Information
DSBA provides research and contract negation support as requested. DSBA has a strong professional relationship with the DSEA.
Annual Meeting
DSBA’s Annual Meeting is held annually to share the annual report of the association and awards to the DSBA membership.
Superintendent Searches
DSBA provides superintendent search support through conducting the search or providing recommendations for search agents.
Training Clinics
Topics of interest to local boards of education.
Board Docs
DSBA is the educational agent for Board docs, the system that assures compliance with DE open meeting laws (if used properly). DSBA member subscriptions are significantly discounted.
Financial Training
DSBA assists in the coordination for this mandated professional development by DOE.
DSBA provides opportunities for local school board members of Delaware to meet together to understand the differences in the districts as well as the governing issues of the districts.
Due Process Training
DSBA provides the coordination and records for this mandated professional development by DOE.
Corporate Membership Program
DSBA has a cadre of corporate sponsors, all engaged in public education, and are the experts in their field. DSBA’s corporate membership program provides members access to the expertise of corporate sponsors ranging from architects, to legal council to indoor air quality engineers.
New Board Member Training
Provided for all newly elected or appointed local school boards members.
DSBA is your liaison to and with other State of Delaware educational advocacy organizations, the legislature, as well as the DE Department of Education. Your DSBA is always working to advocate on the behalf of public education local school boards as well as school districts.
Individual Training as Requested
DSBA can provide customized training as requested by school boards.
DSBA provides regular and frequent communication to school board members on issues of interest and importance to public education in DE and nationally.
State Legislative Advocacy
DSBA closely monitors legislation and advocates the position of the member boards in the Delaware General Assembly. DSBA is your school boards’ voice at legislative hall in Dover. The DSBA is increasingly being engaged by legislators and sister public education advocacy organizations in the development and support/opposition to education related legislation.
Together, let's elevate education for every child in our state! Learn more about membership and how you can contribute to strengthening Delaware's education system today!